Impact Methods of Competition in the Development of the Most Important Physical Abilities and Motor Skills and Basic Football Junior

How to Cite

Khudair , H. A. ., Hasan, A. M. ., & Abbas, A. A. (2024). Impact Methods of Competition in the Development of the Most Important Physical Abilities and Motor Skills and Basic Football Junior. Journal of Physical Education and Public Health, 1(1), 33–38.


The game of football and one of the games, which include a large number of basic skills which are required to coach connected to the player and developed well in order to raise the performance skills to him, and this is through the use of fashion style and appropriate consistent with the tendencies of the players and their desires and reach their level of able and high ranking of efficiency, effectiveness and access to the desired goals and it has to be the coach of the research on the best approach that suits the nature of the player and the training environment and in provoking motivated teenager, and that achievement has, using a variety of means to lift the state of boredom, for him during training, resulting from the use of one style have dysfunctional to the development required, because the player is affected by the methods of training followed by the coach and the players that create innovation and competition and the desire to evolve.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Hussain Ali Khudair , Ali Mudheher Hasan, Ahmed Abdulrahman Abbas